5:00 pm Jul 24, 2000 -- Resume for Lee A. Connell


Lee A. Connell
81 Paquette Circle
P.O. Box 162
Twin Mountain, NH 03595
Home PH: (603) 846-7768
[email protected]


Familiar with various software applications, and operating systems. I am very familiar with the windows platform. I'm hard working and like to get things done before schedule. I have been programming with the Visual Basic language for 3 + years. I have been home schooling through ICS Learning Systems with Visual Basic for about 1 year and have self-taught for about 2 + years.

Computer Skills

Have an extensive background in: Windows 3.x - 9.x, Novell, AS400, dBase, Lotus, MS Word 97, Visual Basic 3-6, MS Agent, Internet tools, Web Browsers and a familiar background with Delphi, ActiveX developement, TCP/IP (winsock), HTML, IRC, C++ & Unix.

Work History

1999-2000 Busser, Mt. Washingtong Hotel (Currently employed)
Responsibilities are simply to bus tables at a restaurant

1999-2000 Landscaping, Crawford Management
Responsibilities were to maintain residential and commercial lawns.

1998-1999 Computer Assembly, Tech Data Inc.
Responsibilities were to work on an assembly line containing 5-6 employees, building from the ground up: various types of computers including Compaq, IBM, and HP's. I ran software utilities (Ghost, Tech Data software, HP software) to troubleshoot and configure hardware.

1997-1998 Data Entry, SL Waber Inc.
Responsibilities were to type up invoices and quotes for shipment, fax & file invoices, and keep record of outgoing invoices. I taught and organized the communication system within the network and helped fix any bugs or problems with company's LAN.


1999-2000 Diploma, ICS Learning Systems
Currently home schooling for the Visual Basic programming language.

1994-1998 Diploma, Pennsauken High School
Took a class for keyboarding (90 + wpm), and computer literacy using MS Word 97, MS Office, MS Excel and PowerPoint.

MS Word format